Throughout Plattsburgh and surrounding New York areas, Bedard Excavation LLC is known for quality excavating and demolition services and fair prices. We have the modern, well-equipped fleet of equipment and experienced staff required to complete all kinds of demolition projects. Our staff is polite, professional, and eager to assist you with your next project. We communicate closely with customers from the beginning of a project to the end. Contact us today to learn more and to get a free estimate on your project.
- Demolition
- Barn Demolition
- Commercial Building Demolition
- Commercial Interior Demolition
- Deck, Shed, Fence Removal
- Garage Demolition
- House Demolition
- Miscellaneous Demolition
- Mobile Home Demolition
- Other Building Demolition
Cities Served
- Abnaki
- Adams Landing
- Alburg
- Beaulieus Corner
- Birdland
- Crow Hill
- East Highgate
- Fairfield Pond
- Fairgrounds
- Fonda Jct
- Fonda
- Franklin County
- Georgia
- Grand Isle County
- Grand Isle
- Green Corner
- Highgate Center
- Highgate Falls
- Highgate Springs
- Highgate
- Hog Island
- Isle La Motte
- Keeler Bay
- Knights Point
- Lagrange
- Lakewood
- Maquam
- Milton
- No Hero
- North Hero
- Pearl
- Point Farm
- Popsquash
- Rixford
- Saint Rocks
- Sheldon Creek
- Sheldon Junction
- Sheldon Springs
- Sheldon
- South Hero
- St Albans
- Swanton
- Sweek Hollow
- West Milton
- West Swanton
New York