- Demolition
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Asphalt Parking Lot Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Chimney Removal
- Commercial Building Demolition
- Commercial Interior Demolition
- Concrete Driveway Removal
- Concrete Foundation Removal
- Concrete Parking Lot Removal
- Concrete Patio Removal
- Concrete Sidewalk Removal
- Debris Hauling
- Deck, Shed, Fence Removal
- Dirt and Rock Removal
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Verified Reviews
Home Team Contracting
Review by Morgan L in Towson, MD
Matt and his team were exceptional! Matt was highly professional and incredibly kind, showing genuine care and concern for his clients. Although I’ve chosen to pause the project for now, companies like Matt’s remind you why small businesses stand out—they truly care about their customers. If you're in need of a company for your next project, I highly recommend reaching out to Matt and his team. Thank you again!
Review by Paula C in Parkville, MD
Matt and his team were excellent! They showed up on time, worked with great professionalism, and delivered outstanding results. I’ll definitely be reaching out to them again!
Review by Lisa B. in Baltimore, MD
Matt and his crew from Home Team Contracting did an outstanding job removing a 150-year-old barn for me. They were great communicators throughout the whole process and I would strongly recommend them for any demolition needs. Matt was very knowledgeable and always put safety first!
Cities Served
- Aberdeen Proving Ground
- Aberdeen
- Abingdon
- Adelphi
- Annapolis Junction
- Annapolis Neck
- Annapolis
- Anne Arundel County
- Arbutus
- Arden on the Severn
- Arden-on-the-Severn
- Ardmore
- Arlington
- Arnold
- Ashton
- Ashton-Sandy Spring
- Bainbridge
- Baldwin
- Baltimore County
- Baltimore Highlands
- Baltimore
- Bel Air North
- Bel Air South
- Bel Air
- Beltsville
- Benson
- Bentley Springs
- Berwyn Heights
- Berwyn
- Betterton
- Boring
- Bowie
- Bowleys Quarters
- Bradshaw
- Brinklow
- Brock Hall
- Brookeville
- Brooklandville
- Brooklyn Park
- Brooklyn
- Burtonsville
- Butler
- Butlertown
- Bwi Airport
- Calverton
- Cape Saint Claire
- Cape St Claire
- Cardiff
- Carney
- Carroll County
- Carroll
- Carrollton
- Carvel Beach
- Catonsville
- Chase
- Chester
- Chestertown
- Chestnut Hill Cove
- Chstnt Hl Cv
- Churchton
- Churchville
- Clarksville
- Clearwater Beach
- Clearwatr Bch
- Clifton East End
- Clifton
- Cloverly
- Cockeysville
- Colesville
- College Park
- Colora
- Columbia
- Conowingo
- Cooksville
- Crofton
- Crownsville
- Curtis Bay
- Daniels
- Darlington
- Davidsonville
- Dayton
- Druid
- Dundalk Sparrows Point
- Dundalk
- East Case
- East End
- East Riverdale
- Eastport
- Edesville
- Edgemere
- Edgewater
- Edgewood Arsenal
- Edgewood
- Eldersburg
- Elkridge
- Ellicott City
- Ellicott
- Essex
- Eudowood
- Fairland
- Fairlee
- Fairwood
- Fallston
- Ferndale
- Finksburg
- Forest Hill
- Fork
- Fort Howard
- Fort Meade
- Fowbelsburg
- Foxridge
- Franklin
- Freeland
- Fulton
- Gaither
- Galesville
- Gambrills
- Garrison
- Gibson Island
- Glen Arm
- Glen Burnie
- Glenarden
- Glencoe
- Glenelg
- Glenn Dale
- Glenwood
- Glyndon
- Goddard
- Govans
- Granite
- Grasonville
- Green Haven
- Greenbelt
- Greenland Bch
- Greenland Beach
- Greenmount
- Halethorpe
- Hamilton
- Hampden
- Hampstead
- Hampton
- Hanover
- Harford County
- Harmans
- Harwood
- Havre de Grace
- Henryton
- Herald Harbor
- Hereford
- Highland Bch
- Highland Beach
- Highland
- Highlandtown
- Hillandale
- Hillsmere Shores
- Howard County
- Hunt Valley
- Hyattsville
- Hydes
- Ilchester
- Jacksonville
- Jarrettsville
- Jessup
- Joppatown
- Joppatowne
- Kennedyville
- Kent County
- Kent Narrows
- Kingstown
- Kingsville
- Konterra
- Lake Arbor
- Lake Shore
- Landover Hills
- Landover
- Langley Park
- Lanham Seabrook
- Lanham
- Lansdowne
- Lansdowne-Baltimore Highlands
- Laurel
- Layhill
- Lineboro
- Linthicum
- Lisbon
- Loch Hill
- Loch Raven
- Lochearn
- Londontowne
- Long Green
- Lutherville
- Lynch
- Magnolia
- Manchester
- Marlboro Meadows
- Marriottsville
- Maryland City
- Maryland Line
- Mayo
- Mays Chapel
- Mcdonogh Run
- Middle River
- Milford Mill
- Millers
- Millersville
- Mitchellville
- Monkton
- Montpelier
- Mount Washington
- Naval Academy
- New Carrollton
- Norrisville
- North College Park
- North Englewood
- North Laurel
- Northwood
- Nottingham
- Odenton
- Oella
- Olney
- Orchard Beach
- Overlea
- Owings Mills
- Palmer Park
- Parkton
- Parkville
- Parole
- Pasadena
- Patapsco
- Patterson
- Perry Hall
- Perry Point
- Perryman
- Perryville
- Phoenix
- Pikesville
- Pleasant Hills
- Port Deposit
- Pumphrey
- Pylesville
- Queen Anne - Prince Georges County
- Queen Annes County
- Queenstown
- Randallstown
- Raspeburg
- Reisterstown
- Riderwood
- Rising Sun
- Riva
- Riverdale Park
- Riverdale
- Riverside
- Riviera Beach
- Rock Hall
- Roland Park
- Rosedale
- Rossville
- Russett
- Ruxton
- Sandy Spring
- Savage
- Savage-Guilford
- Scaggsville
- Seabrook
- Selby-on-the-Bay
- Severn
- Severna Park
- Shady Side
- Sherwood Forest
- Simpsonville
- South Bowie
- South Gate
- South Laurel
- Sparks Glencoe
- Sparks
- Spencerville
- Springdale
- Stevenson
- Stevensville
- Still Pond
- Stoney Beach
- Street
- Summerfield
- Sunshine
- Sykesville
- Timonium
- Tolchester
- Towson
- Unity
- University Park
- Upper Falls
- Upperco
- Walbrook
- Waverly
- West Friendship
- West Laurel
- West River
- Westminster
- White Hall
- White Marsh
- White Oak
- Whiteford
- Windsor Mill
- Woodbine
- Woodlawn
- Woodmore
- Woodstock
- Worton
- Airville
- Bethesda
- Bittersville
- Botts
- Bridgeton
- Brodbecks
- Brogue
- Brogueville
- Bryansville
- Chanceford
- Coal Cabin Beach
- Codorus
- Colemanville
- Collinsville
- Conestoga
- Craley
- Creswell
- Cross Roads
- Dallastown
- Delta
- Drumore
- East Hopewell
- Eldora
- Fawn - York County
- Fawn Grove
- Felton
- Freysville
- Fulton
- Furniss
- Gatchellville
- Glen Rock
- Glenville
- Hametown
- Highville
- Holtwood
- Hopewell - York County
- Jacobus
- Kyleville
- Larue
- Leaders Heights
- Liberty Square
- Loganville
- Lower Chanceford
- Lucky
- Manheim - York County
- Martic Forge
- Martic
- Marticville
- Mcsparren
- Menges Mills
- Mount Nebo
- Muddy Creek Forks
- Nashville
- New Bridgeville
- New Freedom
- New Park
- New Texas
- North Codorus
- North Hopewell
- Oakryn
- Ore Valley
- Peach Bottom
- Penn Hill
- Pequea
- Pleasant View
- Ports Sidling
- Railroad
- Rawlinsville
- Red Lion
- Rinely
- Safe Harbor
- Seven Valleys
- Shenks Ferry
- Shrewsbury
- Sinsheim
- Slate Hill
- Snyder Corner
- Spring Grove
- Springfield - York County
- Springvale
- Spry
- Stewartstown
- Sticks
- Stoverstown
- Sunnyburn
- Susquehanna Trails
- Tolna
- Tyler Run
- Tyler Run-Queens Gate
- Wakefield
- West Bangor
- West Manheim
- Windsor Park
- Windsor
- Winterstown
- Woodbine
- Wrightsdale
- Wyndham Hills
- Yoe