J&N’s Pro Services LLC started with a dream to serve our community with quality demolition and junk removal services at reasonable prices. We provide a variety of services, including house demolition, garage demolition, mobile home removal, interior demolition, pool removal, and so much more.Our team is adept at clearing away the old and making way for the new, whatever that may be. We provide optimal service and competitive prices while utilizing the safest and most environmentally sound practices.If you're in need of reliable demolition services, contact J&N’s Pro Services LLC today for a free project quote!
- Demolition
- Junk Removal
- Above Ground Pool Removal
- Appliance Removal
- Asphalt Driveway Removal
- Asphalt Parking Lot Removal
- Barn Demolition
- Basement Cleanout
- Carpet Removal
- Chimney Removal
- Commercial Cleanout
- Commercial Interior Demolition
- Concrete Driveway Removal
- Concrete Foundation Removal
- Concrete Parking Lot Removal
- Concrete Patio Removal
- Concrete Sidewalk Removal
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Cities Served
- Adelaide
- Alder
- Alderton
- Alderwood Manor
- Algona
- Alpental
- American Lake
- Ames Lake
- Anderson Island
- Arletta
- Arlington Heights
- Arlington
- Artondale
- Ashford
- Auburn
- Avondale
- Ballard
- Baring
- Beacon Hill
- Beaux Arts Village
- Beaux Arts
- Bellevue
- Bitter Lake
- Black Diamond
- Bonney Lake
- Bothell East
- Bothell West
- Bothell
- Boulevard Park
- Brier
- Broadway
- Browns Point
- Bryant
- Bryn Mawr
- Bryn Mawr-Skyway
- Buckley
- Bunk Foss
- Burien
- Burnett
- Burton
- Camano City
- Camp Murray
- Canterwood
- Canyon Creek
- Capitol Hill
- Carbonado
- Carnation
- Cascade
- Cascade-Fairwood
- Cathan
- Cathcart
- Cavalero
- Cedar Falls
- Cedarview
- Chain Lake
- Clearview
- Clover Creek
- Clyde Hill
- Coal Creek
- Columbia
- Concrete
- Cottage Lake
- Covington
- Crescent Valley
- Crocker
- Cromwell
- Crown Hill
- Crystal Mountain
- Cumberland
- Darrington
- Dash Point
- Denny Creek
- Des Moines
- Diablo
- Diagnos Techs Inc
- Dieringer
- Dockton
- Driftwood
- DuPont
- Duvall
- Duwamish
- Earlmount
- East Hill-Meridian
- East Renton Highlands
- East Union
- Eastgate
- Eastmont
- Easton
- Eatonville
- Echo Lake
- Edgewood
- Edmonds
- Elbe
- Electron
- Elger Bay
- Elgin
- Elk Plain
- Enumclaw
- Esperance
- Everett
- Fall City
- Federal Way
- Fife Heights
- Fife
- Fircrest
- Firwood
- Fobes Hill
- Forest Park
- Fort Lawton
- Fort Lewis
- Fort Steilacoom
- Four Corners
- Fox Island
- Frederickson
- Gig Harbor
- Glencove
- Gold Bar
- Graham
- Granite Falls
- Greenwater
- Greenwood
- Grotto
- Hamilton
- Harbor Heights
- Hartford
- Hat Island
- Hazelwood
- Herron Island
- High Bridge
- Highlands
- Hobart
- Home
- Houghton
- Hunts Point
- Hyak
- Index
- Inglewood
- Inglewood-Finn Hill
- Inlet Island
- Interbay
- International
- Issaquah
- Jb Lewis Mcchord
- John Sam Lake
- Joint Base Lewis Mcchord
- Jordan Road-Canyon Creek
- Jovita
- Juanita
- Kanaskat
- Kapowsin
- Kenmore
- Kennard Corner
- Kennydale
- Kent
- Ketron Island
- Key Center
- King County
- Kingsgate
- Kirkland
- Klahanie
- Krain
- La Grande
- Lake Alice
- Lake Bosworth
- Lake Cassidy
- Lake Cavanaugh
- Lake City
- Lake Forest Park
- Lake Goodwin
- Lake Holm
- Lake Joy
- Lake Ketchum
- Lake Marcel-Stillwater
- Lake Morton-Berrydale
- Lake Roesiger
- Lake Sawyer
- Lake Stevens
- Lake Stickney
- Lake Tapps
- Lakebay
- Lakeland North
- Lakeland South
- Lakeridge
- Lakewood
- Larch Way
- Larimers Corner
- Lea Hill
- Lewis Mcchord
- Liberty
- Lochsloy
- Longbranch
- Longmire
- Loveland
- Lowell
- Lynnwood
- Machias
- Madison Park
- Magnolia
- Maltby
- Maple Heights-Lake Desire
- Maple Valley
- Maplewood
- Marblemount
- Martha Lake
- Marysville
- May Creek
- McChord AFB
- McKenna
- Mcmicken Heights
- McMillin
- Mcneil Island
- Meadowdale
- Medina
- Meeker
- Mercer Island
- Midland
- Midway
- Mill Creek East
- Mill Creek
- Milton
- Mirrormont
- Monroe North
- Monroe
- Morganville
- Mountlake Terrace
- Mukilteo
- National
- Newcastle
- Newhalem
- Newport Hills
- Normandy Park
- North Bend
- North City
- North Creek
- North Fort Lewis
- North Lakewood
- North Lynnwood
- North Marysville
- North Puyallup
- North Stanwood
- North Sultan
- Northgate
- Northwest Snohomish
- Northwest Stanwood
- Novelty
- Oakbrook
- Ohop
- Orting
- Osceola
- Oso
- Pacific
- Paine Field-Lake Stickney
- Palmer
- Paradise Inn
- Paradise
- Parkland
- Picnic Point
- Picnic Point-North Lynnwood
- Pierce County
- Pine Lake
- Pinehurst
- Pioneer Square
- Point Fosdick
- Ponderosa Estates
- Prairie Heights
- Prairie Ridge
- Preston
- Priest Point
- Purdy
- Puy
- Puyallup
- Queen Anne
- Queensborough
- Queensgate
- Raft Island
- Ravensdale
- Redmond
- Redondo Beach
- Redondo
- Renton
- Rhododendron Park
- Richmond Beach
- Richmond Highlands
- Riverbend
- Riverton
- Riverton-Boulevard Park
- Rockport
- Ronald
- Rosedale
- Roy
- Ruston
- Sammamish
- Scenic
- Seahurst
- SeaTac
- Seattle Hill-Silver Firs
- Seattle
- Sedro Woolley
- Shadow Lake
- Shaker Church
- Shore Acres
- Shoreline
- Shorewood Beach
- Shorewood
- Silvana
- Silver Firs
- Silver Lake
- Sisco Heights
- Skykomish
- Skyway
- Smokey Point
- Snag Island
- Snohomish County
- Snohomish
- Snoqualmie Pass
- Snoqualmie
- South Creek
- South Hill
- South Prairie
- Spanaway
- Spring Glen
- Stansberry Lake
- Stanwood
- Startup
- Steilacoom
- Stimson Crossing
- Sultan
- Summit View
- Summit
- Sumner
- Suncadia
- Sunday Lake
- Sunny Bay
- Sunrise Beach
- Swede Heaven
- Sylvan
- Tacoma
- Tanner
- Tapps Island
- Teanaway
- The Highlands
- Thrashers Corner
- Three Lakes
- Thrift
- Times Square
- Totem Lake
- Tukwila
- Tulalip Bay
- Tulalip
- Union Hill-Novelty Hill
- University Place
- University
- Vashon Island
- Vashon
- Vaughn
- Verlot
- Victor
- Villa Beach
- Wabash
- Waller
- Wallingford
- Warm Beach
- Warren
- Wauna Shores
- Wauna
- Weallup Lake
- Wedgwood
- West Lake Stevens
- West Seattle
- Westwood Village
- Westwood
- White Center
- Wilderness Rim
- Wilderness Village
- Wilkeson
- Wollochet
- Woodinville
- Woodmont Beach
- Woods Creek
- Woodway
- World Vision
- Yarrow Point
- Yoman Ferry